Bohannon and Poppe Crowned Fremont 4-H Fair Royalty

Bohannon and Poppe crowned as Fremont 4-H Fair Royalty….

Jamie Poppe was recently crowned queen of the Fremont 4-H Fair. She has been a 4-H member with the T.E.A.M. 4-H club in Dodge County for 11 years. She is the daughter of Mark and Lisa Poppe of Scribner. Poppe has competed at the Fremont 4-H Fair, Dodge County Fair and the Nebraska State Fair exhibiting over 450 projects. She has served on the Dodge County 4-H Council as Secretary and represented Dodge County as a 4-H Ambassador for two years. Poppe has been a camp counselor for Clover Kid camp and helped with several workshops at the county level and at the club level. One of her greatest 4-H achievements was being selected for National 4-H Congress in Atlanta last fall. She completed her Diamond Clover service project by partnering with the Fremont Area Foundation and Project Everlast to make and donate 55 foster care bags in the Fremont area.

Poppe said: “One of the biggest rewards 4-H has given me is my willingness to serve. Being a good citizen and doing for others and volunteering in my community has made me a better person.”  She will attend the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the fall as a freshman studying Elementary Education.

As a Burt County 4-Her for 11 years, Nick Bohannon has been involved in a variety of projects from woodworking and cooking to public speaking and shooting sports. He has never been the traditional 4-Her in the sense that most of his projects would be in the livestock or home economics areas. Shooting Sports is how he got his start in 4-H and has continued to build on that discipline since day one. As he has progressed, leadership has been a significant part of his 4-H career. This skill has taken many forms including being a club leader, 4-H Council member, Nebraska & National 4-H Shooting Sports Ambassador, and a National 4-H Congress Delegate. He credits 4-H for providing him many opportunities for success but his most prominent achievement occurred in March of 2016. After a year of planning and promoting with the help Nebraska Extension, he created a leadership seminar for Nebraska youth involved in the 4-H Shooting Sports program. The program held its first training in Lincoln in March and he is planning two more in the next year.

Bohannon said: “Much of the reason I was able to accomplish this program was due to my ability to communicate to large groups of people and present myself in a professional manner,” he said. “The skills I learned through Public Speaking & Presentations Contests as well as my Science & Technology exhibits allowed me to promote the idea in an interactive and professional manner and led to the approval of the program.”

“4-H has allowed me to grow as an individual as well as give back to the program that helped me become as successful as I am today,” he added. “My 4-H career has been one of my most outstanding accomplishments, and I hope to stay involved even after I complete my eligibility.” Nick is the son of Vance and Sandy Bohannon of Tekamah.

Nick Bohannon and Jamie Poppe, Fremont 4-H Fair King and Queen. Photo Credit/Mary Loftis.

Nick Bohannon and Jamie Poppe, Fremont 4-H Fair King and Queen. Photo Credit/Mary Loftis.