The Grandkids Come to Trick or Treat in Oakland!

Penelope and Rowen, my grandkids, came to trick or treat on Oakland’s Main Street today. Photo credit/Whitney Tran and also Denise Gilliland/Editor and Chief, Kat Country Hub.

Debate for OC School Board Candidates and Oakland Mayor Candidates This Thursday!

The candidates for the Oakland-Craig School Board and for Oakland City Mayor will be in the spotlight Thursday, November 1, 6:30 p.m. at the Oakland-Craig Elementary gymnasium for a debate. The OC School Board candidates are Aaron Anderson, Brett Johnson, Ed Fredrickson, Diane Johnson, Tony Moseman, Dan Gramke, Marilee Groth and Jennings Johnson. The candidates for Oakland’s Mayoral race are Dan Jacobs and current mayor, Ted Beckner.

There will be prepared questions during the debate, with each candidate given an allotted amount of time to respond, along with each candidate stating why they are running for office. Afterwards the public will be allowed to ask questions. So come prepared! Have your questions ready! This is the time to become more informed about the candidates and possible assist voters in making a critical decision regarding whom is best to be voted to serve the community.

Hope to see everyone there!

Oakland City Council September Meeting Minutes

Minutes of City Council Meeting

City of Oakland, NE

Regular Meeting

September 17th, 2018

A meeting of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Oakland, Nebraska was convened in open and public session at 5:30 p.m. on September 17th, 2018 at the Oakland Auditorium.  This was the regular monthly meeting.  The meeting was called to order by Council President Greg Mockenhaupt. On roll call, Council members, Council President Greg Mockenhaupt, Matt Johnson and Dan Jacobs . Absent Mayor Ted Beckner and Councilman Luke Blanc.

Notice of the meeting was given in advance thereof by the posting of a notice, one of the designated methods for giving notice, as shown by the certification of posting attached to these minutes.  Availability of the agenda was communicated in the advance notice and in the notice to the Mayor and City Council.

Council President Greg Mockenhaupt reminded all present of the location of the Open Meeting Laws poster in the back of the Rosen Room and stated that the council would be conducting business in accordance with said law. Mayor Ted Beckner asked all present to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion made at 5:31pm by Dan Jacobs to accept the September 17th, 2018 agenda. Seconded by Matt Johnson. All council present voted AYE. Absent Mayor Ted Beckner and Councilman Luke Blanc.

The minutes of the August 20th and September 10th, 2018 meeting were presented. M.Johnson made a motion at 5:32pm to approve the minutes as presented-D.Jacobs seconded.  All council present voted AYE. Absent Mayor Ted Beckner and Councilman Luke Blanc.

Motion made to approve August 2018 Treasurer’s Report  by  M.Johnson and seconded by D.Jacobs at 5:32pm. All council present voted AYE. Absent Mayor Ted Beckner and Councilman Luke Blanc.


At 5:33pm Danielle with Firstar Fiber and NDEQ approached Council with the “Needs Assessment Report” that they had gathered going over recycling options and what directions Oakland could go to increase our recycling. She touched base on what Oakland’s landfill is currently made of for recycling and what could be added-what funds and grants there are out there to help with supplies to allow Oakland to become more up to date on recycling. With the help of Dannika Nelson’s Chemistry students we can start a “Dual Stream Recycling” in Oakland. At 6:24pm M.Johnson made a motion to move the topic of “Dual Stream Recycling” to be tabled until October’s Regular Meeting. D.Jacobs seconded the motion. All council present voted AYE. Absent Mayor Ted Beckner and Councilman Luke Blanc. Mrs. Nelson’s students will return with information/material that they will gather up for November 2018’s Regular Council Meeting.

Police Department

  • Oakland’s Police Department Chief Poland reviewed what the School Resource Officer’s program reports will look like – given to School Board Members each monthly meeting- as well as to the City Council monthly.
  • The Oakland Police Department participated in the nationwide “You Drink & Drive You Lose Crackdown.” Results from this grant funded enforcement yielded in the 15 citations, and 59 warnings/defect violations for a total of 73 vehicle stops.
  • The Oakland Police Department was awarded several grants in the months of August and September- $700 towards K-9 Program – $2,000 towards update of radar equipment- and $60,000 towards vehicles from the Nielsen Foundation.

Departmental Reports-

  • Street Department-
    • Discussion about curb numbers needing to be painted- it was finalized that it is the property owner’s responsibilities to repaint them unless a school related or volunteer group volunteer their time to repaint for owner. Curb number are needing to be visiable not only for postal services but for 911 Emergency purposes.


  • Park & Recs Department-
  • Solid Waste Department-
    • At 7:00pm M.Johnson made a motion to approve the 2018 Lease of Re-Purchase Agreement for Solid Waste 242D Caterpillar Skid Steer Loader, seconded by D.Jacobs. All council present voted AYE. Absent Mayor Ted Beckner and Councilman Luke Blanc.
  • Water Department-


  • Superintendent Matt Johnson discussed with Council and fire detergents being painted. Fire Chief Nick Seery and Water Supervisor Dan Tanksley III Jr. are in communication on this topic.
  • Pool Department-



At 7:14pm M.Johnson made a motion to approve the 2018/19 Budget , seconded by D.Jacobs. All council present voted AYE. Absent Mayor Ted Beckner and Councilman Luke Blanc.


At 7:15pm M.Johnson made a motion to approve the 2018 Tax Levy of 1%, seconded by D.Jacobs. All council present voted AYE. Absent Mayor Ted Beckner and Councilman Luke Blanc.


At 7:16pm M.Johnson made a motion to table topic E-1 on the Agenda – Auditor request and proposals to be on October 2018’s Agenda. Seconded by D.Jacobs. All council present voted AYE. Absent Mayor Ted Beckner and Councilman Luke Blanc.


At 7:28 M.Johnson made a motion to find more bids/quotes on Computer backup services for the City Office, seconded by D.Jacobs. All council present voted AYE. Absent Mayor Ted Beckner and Councilman Luke Blanc.



The bills and warrants were presented to the City Council as follows:


AETNA                               26,359.16

AMERICAN BROADBAND CLEC                373.94

Anderson Hardware                      505.50

ANDY’S QUIK STOP                       739.16

Barco Municipal Products Inc.          490.00

Bomgaars Supply Inc.                   172.92  *

Braniff Service                        352.24

Burt Co. Sheriff’s Office               30.00

Central Valley Ag Cooperative        1,163.33

DEARBORN NATIONAL                       98.93

Encyclopedia Brittannica Inc.          500.00

Farmer’s Pride                         510.39

FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA              410.67

Gene Steffy Chrysler                   175.80

GENERAL FIRE & SAFETY                   49.25

JUSTIN MEADER                          515.00

GREAT PLAINS UNIFORM                   352.00

Helena Chemical Co.                     40.63

Holmquist Lumber Inc.                   73.63

HYDRO OPTIMIZATION                   1,781.86

Ingram Library Services                811.65

IOWA PUMP WORKS                        669.07

  1. P. Cooke Co. 72.90

Johnson & Mock                         140.00

ALAN ROCKY LANE                      3,000.00

League Assoc.of Risk Managmnt.      68,933.31

League of NE Municipalities            818.00

Library Journal                        157.99

Midwest Laboratories                   416.50

NE Dept. of Revenue                     30.16

Nebraska D.E.Q.                        500.00

Nebraska Library Commission            500.00

NEBRASKA SPORTS                         60.00

Nelson’s Food Pride                    179.35

NNSWC LANDFILL                       1,918.81

Nebraska Public Power District            .00  *

Nebraska Public Power District       9,610.17

Oakland Independent                    174.49


Officenet                              158.80

ONE CALL CONCEPTS INC                   13.98

Plaindealer Publishing Co.              32.00

Quality Printing                       137.37

RIC ORTMEIER                        10,000.00

Robertson Implement Co.                 19.10


D.Jacobs made a motion to accept the warrants. M.Johnson seconded and all council present voted AYE- at 7:29pm. All council present voted AYE. Absent Mayor Ted Beckner and Councilman Luke Blanc.

There being no further business to come before the council motion to adjourn meeting made by D.Jacobs, seconded by M.Johnson at 7:29pm. All council present voted AYE. Absent Mayor Ted Beckner and Councilman Luke Blanc.


_____________________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Ted R. Beckner, Mayor

______________________________________________                             _____________________________________________

Kayla Eisenmenger, Clerk                                                                                                      Greg Mockenhaupt, Council President

Election Time is Nearing!

Where did freedom of speech go?

Why can’t people voice their opinion, especially in politics, and not be verbally abused for doing so?

I am one to speak up! As I say over and over again, we are to leave this world a better place than when we found it.

I take freedom of speech seriously. I also respect those that disagree with me. Isn’t that what makes the world go around? Just because you disagree with someone, doesn’t mean you can’t respect them. I cherish my friends. We don’t always agree. But, they are still my friends.

On one news site, I made a comment supporting President Trump. I cannot tell you the verbal abuse I received over that! I was called names that would make Joan Rivers cringe by people that didn’t even know me.

Do I stop speaking? Do you know me?! I ALWAYS SPEAK UP! I appreciate a dialogue with others where conversation and varying opinions are respected. I don’t appreciate being called names for having my own opinion by people that don’t even back up their opinions. Instead, they choose to be verbally abusive.

Responsibility begins with YOU! Not just on a national level, but on a local level. Do your duty! Do your research. Call those running for office, no matter what office it is, and ask questions. Pay attention to where your tax dollars are going! I recently picked up the budget sheets for Oakland. I haven’t had time to review them yet, but I will be doing so very soon. Oakland citizens, are you wondering what the budget is for each department? Did you know you can go to the city office and pick one up? They are available to the public! It is our government!  You can also get budget sheets from the past years so you can compare them. That is what I did. I also have budget sheets from when I was on the council a few years ago. Take the time, pick them up, look them over and ask questions!

It is your right and responsibility! Ask the questions! Do your due diligence!

Stay tuned!

More to come!


Freeze Warning

…FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 10 AM CDT MONDAY… * TEMPERATURES…Dropping to 24 to 28 degrees. * TIMING…After midnight tonight through Monday morning. * IMPACTS…Freezing temperatures could kill sensitive vegetation and should end the growing season for the area. Damage could also occur to unprotected outdoor plumbing, garden hoses, and undrained sprinkler systems. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS… A Freeze Warning means sub-freezing temperatures are imminent or highly likely. These conditions will kill crops and other sensitive vegetation. &&

VOTE! VOTE! Be Responsible, Do Your Research and VOTE!

Voting isn’t just filling in a box on a ballot, it is a personal responsibility. 

I have voted in every single election since I was 18. I didn’t blindly vote, going along with how others were going to vote.

I did my research. On a national level, I watched the news. Back then, they actually reported facts. Now, I do my own research. The media is very biased, in my opinion, so I do research on legitimate, true, fact-based websites, to find out everything I want to know about those running for election.

On a local level, I go to city hall. I want to see the budget the council approves each year. Having served on the city council, I am aware of how the budget is formulated. I know first-hand how each department operates. Each department has different needs, based on their current situations. Imagine what it takes to fund a street department? The park? The dump? The library? The water and sewer department? The police department? It is quite a task.

Does one department require more funding than others? Again, that is situation based. Do you know how much funding is needed for the street department? Or any of the other departments?

Given that your tax dollars assist in funding your city and all of the local departments, don’t you think you should check into that? DO YOUR RESEARCH?

I have budget sheets from when I served on the city council. I will be obtaining the current budget sheets, which are in effect for the next fiscal year. I plan to review the last two years as well. That is being a responsible citizen and a responsible voter.

I can’t speak strongly enough about this subject. VOTE!

If you would like to speak with me, I am here! I welcome all phone calls and messages. 

I will share the information I have with you. I welcome the opportunity.

Again, don’t be a go with the flow person. Be the person that stands strong and votes responsibly! Do your research!

Always, always, always, call those running for office with any questions you have!

You are a taxpayer. We are all taxpayers. We have every right to voice our opinions!














FREEZE WARNING, No Longer a Freeze Watch

…FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO 10 AM CDT THURSDAY… The National Weather Service in Omaha/Valley has issued a Freeze Warning, which is in effect from 4 AM to 10 AM CDT Thursday. The Freeze Watch is no longer in effect. * TEMPERATURES…As low as 29. * TIMING…temperatures falling to near freezing after 3 am and possibly lingering until 10 am. * IMPACTS…Freezing temperatures could kill sensitive vegetation and damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. Freezing temperatures could kill sensitive vegetation and damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS… A Freeze Warning means sub-freezing temperatures are imminent or highly likely. These conditions will kill crops and other sensitive vegetation. &&

Freeze Watch

…FREEZE WATCH IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH THURSDAY MORNING… The National Weather Service in Omaha/Valley has issued a Freeze Watch, which is in effect from late tonight through Thursday morning. * TEMPERATURES…possibly dropping into the upper 20s and lower 30s. * TIMING…temperatures falling to near freezing after 3 am cdt and possibly lingering until 9 am cdt. * IMPACTS…Freezing temperatures could kill sensitive vegetation and damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS… A Freeze Watch means that sub-freezing temperatures are possible. These conditions could kill crops and other sensitive vegetation. &&

Glenn “Bud” R. Conklin, 88, of Winslow NE

Glenn “Bud” R. Conklin, 88 years, of Winslow, NE died Thursday, October 4, 2018 at Nebraska Methodist Health Systems in Fremont. Glenn was born March 14, 1930 in Decatur, NE to Frank and Frances(Ashby)Conklin, Sr.

He was raised in Decatur and was a 1947 graduate of Decatur High School. He also attended Wayne State College. He lived in Tekamah, NE and drove truck, moved to Blair and lived there for several years, then he moved to Arlington and worked at Haymill. In 1968 he moved to Winslow and worked for Magnus Metal in Fremont until his retirement in 1987. Glenn married Norma Toelle on December 14, 1974 at Beemer, NE. She preceded him in death on December 5, 2008.

He was a past member of Winslow Fire Department and he and Norma were involved in Good Sam Camping Club RVing for many years.

He is survived by son, Todd(Milcy)Conklin of Winslow; daughters, Ellen(Scott)Lewis of Clearfield, Utah and Laure Eccelston and significant other, Ralph Gilbertson of Elgin SC; step-daughter, Jeannie(Mike)Davis of Yelville, AR; sisters, Helen Lewis, Arline Parker, Bev Echtencamp, Sue Brewer and Alyce(Kent) Bayne; numerous grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces and nephews.

He was preceded in death by his parents; wife; sons, Ernest Conklin and Mike Conklin; and brother, Frank Conklin, Jr.

Memorial Service will be 10:30 A.M., Friday, October 12, 2018 at Moser Memorial Chapel in Fremont. The Rev. Dan Heuer will officiate.

In lieu of flowers, donations are suggested to the American Diabetes Association.

Moser Memorial Chapel, 2170 N. Somers Ave., Fremont, NE 68025   402-721-4490

Glenn Conklin


Memorial ServiceFriday, October 12, 2018
10:30 AM

Moser Memorial Chapel Funeral & Cremation Services Fremont
2170 N Somers Ave.
Fremont, Nebraska 68025

Do Your Research and Vote Responsibly!

There is something to be said for speaking up!

How often do you speak up? The first amendment gives you the right to freedom of speech.

I take the first amendment very seriously. However, there is, as they say, a time and a place for everything.

The time and the place now is voting in November! I am not speaking on a national level. I am speaking on a local level, which effects many of us more than some realize.

Your vote carries more weight than you realize.

Voting for someone you know without knowing what they stand for is not really voting. At least, not in my mind.

It is important to know the individual (s) not in a personal way, but as a public figure, responsible for your tax dollars.

Where are your tax dollars going in the city you live in? You can always find that out. Go to your city office and pick up the current city budget. This will provide a detailed statement of how much money is in each department. This of course varies from department to department. Each department lists many items, the first being salaries. The list goes on. I happen to be very familiar with budgets and how they are implemented. It is a very lengthy process. Each council member and the mayor are responsible for every single dollar in this budget and where and how it will be spent. Not an easy task.

I currently have all of the budget sheets from when I served on Oakland’s City Council. I will be picking up the new budget sheets. I will be curious to see how it compares from the last two years since I served on the City Council.

I have heard rumor, but just that, rumor. I want to see it in print. I will be sharing that information with everyone soon.

Remember, the money supporting your community comes from your wallet. Be responsible!

The future of your community lies in your hands. As I said, voting for someone is not based on the fact that you know them. In a small community, such as Oakland, everybody knows everybody. Public office is not personal. Far from it. Attend a city council meeting, ask questions. Take the time to call those running for office and ask the questions! Otherwise you are voting blindly, trusting someone just because you know them.

Until next time, which will be soon, the responsibility is on you.