Please Vote Denise Gilliland for Oakland City Council!

Denise Gilliland, Oakland City Council member and President of the council.

Denise Gilliland, Oakland City Council member and President of the council.

Hello. I am Denise Gilliland. I am on the Oakland City Council, serving as Oakland City Council President. I have been honored to serve the citizens of Oakland, never taking it lightly and never missing a meeting. I work from my home on Main Street, allowing me to always be available anytime of the day or night. I would appreciate your vote in November so I can continue to serve Oakland, keeping Oakland moving forward!

I am happily married to Jeff Gilliland. We have two grown children, Justin Beck and Whitney (Tri) Tran, four grandchildren and one on the way! We adore and love each moment with them! Being a parent and grandparent is a blessing. I have lived in Oakland for over 30 years. I graduated from Oakland-Craig High School in 1981. I graduated in 2013 from Northeast Community College with an Associate of Arts Degree in Journalism. I am the Editor and Chief of my own newspaper blog.

Jeff and I attend the Fire and Rescue fundraisers, Swedish Festival, Party in the Park and all other fundraisers for Oakland. I volunteered to help at events too.

Being involved in the community and serving on the Oakland City Council has given me the experience needed to keep Oakland on the right path, moving forward!

Just a couple of the accomplishments of the city council since I have been on include the new bathhouse in the Oakland Park and the water/sewer project that is nearing completion.

Our city employees are also a reason Oakland runs so smoothly. They are a great group of people, working hard every day.

The Oakland City Council members work together, offering stability and continuity, much needed to keep Oakland thriving!

Why fix what isn’t broken?

I would appreciate your vote! Let’s Keep Oakland Thriving!








About katcountryhub
I am a graduate of Northeast Community College with a degree in journalism. I am married to Jeff Gilliland. We have two grown children, Justin and Whitney and four grandchildren, Grayce, Grayhm, Charli and Penelope. I will be covering Lyons, Decatur, Bancroft and Rosalie and am hoping to expand my horizons as time progresses!

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